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2024-05-05 21:35:07

Lockbit secondo round. Il Data Leak Site è in mano alle forze dell’ordine? Rimarremo ancora delusi?
Lockbit secondo round. Il Data Leak Site è in mano alle forze dell’ordine? Rimarremo…
2024-04-06 02:20:24

Arsenals Abwehrspieler Sintschenko zur Verteidigung der Ukraine bereit
Der ukrainische Fußballspieler vom englischen Verein FC Arsenal ist im Falle einer Einberufung bereit, in seinem Heimatland zu kämpfen. "Ich denke, es ist eine klare Antwort: Ich würde gehen", sagte Oleksandr Sintschenko in der Sendung "Newsnight" des britischen Senders BBC auf die Frage nach einer möglichen Einberufung zur Front. "Ich hoffe wirklich, dass…
2024-03-06 18:01:19

Russischer Angriff - Rakete schlägt neben Selenskyj & Mitsotakis ein #News #Nachrichten
2024-03-05 22:54:00

Don't freak out about Claude passing the "needle in the haystack" test. Finding an unlikely sentence in a book measures memory more than intelligence. It's much easier to predict correct words near an outlier than to sift the correct answer from a mountain of related data.
#Claude #Anthropic

Decorative graphic

How significant is Russia’s apparent interception of military talks on Ukraine?
The main benefit to Moscow is to try to publicly exploit the leaks against the German chancellor, who will nevertheless continue to come under western and Ukrainian pressure to donate the Taurus missiles, not least because in the leaked call the German experts say they believe 10-20 might be able to blow up the Kerch Bridge.
“The UK was the first country to provide long-range precision strike missile…

I have bought the Anker Prime Power Bank which has 99,xxWh (the legal limit you can take with you on a commercial flight). A MacBook Pro has like 66,xxWh. It has an App and you can name it. I think I have the perfect name for it 😂
2024-03-06 11:08:19

Angriff im Spital - Bluttat in Bordell: Verdächtiger attackiert Ärztin #News #Nachrichten
2024-04-05 08:37:28

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-05 14:57:12

„Krone“ im Libanon - Lokalaugenschein an gefährlichster Grenze der Welt #News #Nachrichten
2024-03-05 21:44:31

„Das Kalkül ist ...“ - Warum jetzt? Was Putins Attacke auf Scholz verrät #News #Nachrichten